TGA Database of Adverse Event Notifications (DAEN)
Please report any adverse reactions to vaccines in Australia -
British Medical Journal article quoting: Kelly et al, Paediatric Infectious Disease Journal 2011; 30;107.
Cowling et al, Clinical Infectious Diseases 2012;54:1778
The Nuremberg Code -
Universal Declaration of Human Rights - man-rights/index.html
The Australian Constitution -
An explanation of the Australian Constitution -
The Australian Charter of Healthcare Rights - migrated/Charter-PDf.pdf
Anything by Neil Z Miller is a great place to start.
Vaccine Safety Manual, Neil Z Miller (This is the book that first opened my eyes in 2009, now revised and updated)
Miller’s Review of Critical Vaccine Studies, Neil Z Miller
Make an Informed Vaccine Decision, Dr Mayer Eisenstein and Neil Z Miller
Dissolving Illusions, Dr Suzanne Humphries
Turtles all the Way Down, Mary Holland
Callous Disregard, Dr Andrew Wakefield
How to End the Autism Epidemic, J B Handley
Underestimated, an Autism Miracle, J B Handley and Jamison Handley.
Every Second Child, Dr Archie Kalokerinos (
Fooling Ourselves on the Fundamental Value of Vaccines, Greg Beattie
Raising a Vaccine Free Child, Wendy Lydall
Vaccination. Australia’s loss of Health Freedom, Dr Judy Wilyman
Plague, Dr Judy Mikovits and Kent Heckenlively
The Real Dr Fauci. Robert F Kennedy Jr
Plague of Corruption, Dr Judy Mikovits and Kent Heckenlively
The Vaccine-Friendly Plan, Dr Paul Thomas and Jennifer Margulis, PhD (Now superseded by more recent research)
Gardasil, Fast Tracked and Flawed. Helen Lobato
Vax-Unvax: Let the Science Speak, Robert F. Kennedy Jr and Brian Hooker Phd. This book is based on over one hundred studies in the peer-reviewed literature that consider vaccinated versus unvaccinated populations.
Outsmarting Autism, A book by Patricia Lemer
The Ultimate Guide to management, healing and prevention of autism. (600 pages - lots of insights) I think Patricia underplays the role of vaccines in her opening words, especially after what Brian Hooker’s own research shows us, but her book would be gold if you’re trying to recover a child.)
Cause Unknown. The epidemic of sudden deaths in 2021-2022: Ed Dowd
The 9 Steps to keep the Doctor Away, Dr Rashid Buttar