In simple terms, this is a bio weapon which for the most part only killed people if they had many other serious health issues, were very old or couldn’t get access to safe and simple early treatments.
Thousands of doctors across the world spoke out about treatments which include combinations of:
Hydroxychloroquine (which has a 50 year safety record and as cheap as chips).
Vitamin D
Vitamin C
These treatments were not advertised by governments and doctors in Australia were deliberately discouraged from using them.
The real danger is the experimental injections. These are not vaccines. This technology has never been used before on humans and it killed all the animals used in initial trials.
The way they died was that most of them survived the shots then next time they were exposed to a simple cold or flu, they were left with no defence and died quickly.
There are also many testimonies about what this does to our mind, body and spirit. Some changes are permanent.
At the end of the day, it’s an EXPERIMENT and we have no idea how devastating the effects are going to be. We suspect that they are going to be considerable.
There are already many deaths, far more than the numbers needed to stop previous experiments.
Patent specialist Dr David Martin speaks about the first CDC patents for Coronavirus from 2003 -
Cartoon: An excellent summary: -
Greg Hunt tells us the vaccine is an EXPERIMENT -
A schoolboy wears the mask and carbon dioxide increases to danger levels immediately -
‘They don’t want to see people like us’ Nurses speak out about vaccine reactions -
Dr Sherri Tenpenny, Dr Christiane Northrup, Dr Larry Palevski, Dr Lee Merrett and Dr Carrie Madej
Australian death rates
Interestingly, on 31 March 2021 the Australian Bureau of Statistics published the total death rates for 2020:
Year 2015: 159,052
Year 2016: 158,504
Year 2017: 160,909
Year 2018: 158,493
Year 2019: 169,301
Year 2020: 141,116
(28,000 down from the previous year)
English funeral director speaks about the number of deaths in 2020 and 2021 -
Dr Sherri Tenpenny testifies in Ohio -
Article: 18 reasons I won’t be getting the Covid shot -
Covid jab Employers’ letter:
Dear ____________
Covid 19 ‘Vaccine’
I refer to the recent directive for me to have Covid 19 ‘vaccine’.
Before I make a decision, I would like to clarify certain issues:
Health Minister Greg Hunt is on public record as stating that the covid 19 vaccine is experimental.
Please explain how this can possibly be a condition of my employment.
The case survival rate for Covid 19 is exceptionally high at well over 99.5% among the healthy population.
Thousands of eminent doctors around the world (including microbiologist and infectious disease specialist Didier Raoult PhD (France) and molecular biologist Dolores Cahill PhD (Ireland) have described cheap, safe and effective prevention and treatment of Covid 19 in the form of vitamin D,C, zinc, hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin used in appropriate amounts.
Please show me the robust independent long term, placebo controlled studies which prove that this experimental treatment (which is designed to alter our DNA and RNA) which prove this invasive treatment to be safe.
Please explain why the manufacturers, and the Australian government carry no responsibility for the safety of this experimental procedure.
Animal experiments on these treatments has revealed pathogenic priming which killed many of the animals on re-exposure to infectious agents after receiving the ‘Covid 19 vaccine’. What steps have been made by the manufacturers to ensure that this will not happen to me or my family?
I would like to put on record:
The first line of the Nuremberg Code states that ‘The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential.’
Australia’s own Charter of Health Care Rights states that all treatments must be proven safe.
This industry and this company has always regarded employee safety very highly, with strict adherence to sound and sensible Occupational Health and Safety guidelines. Please explain why these appear to be abandoned in the case of Covid 19 and this treatment.
I feel am being pressured into submitting to an experimental medical procedure that carries significant risks.
Initial effects of these ‘vaccines’ being administered to humans (according to the Vaccine Adverse Effect Reporting System in the US) include Bell’s Palsy, ongoing seizures, strokes, encephalitis (brain swelling) eczema, auto immune issues, migraines, chronic sensory disorders and death.
If my employment is now conditional upon submitting to this “Covid 19 vaccine’ to what extent is the company prepared to reimburse my family and me for ongoing medical treatment and financial loss if I suffer a serious adverse reaction or death?
On receipt of your response to these issues, I will consider the matter further.
Yours sincerely